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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Special Education / Building Paraeducator02/12/2025Non-CertifiedIndian Woods Elementary SchoolApply
Kitchen Assistant02/11/2025Non-CertifiedFort Gratiot Middle SchoolApply
Softball Head Coach02/10/2025Non-CertifiedFort Gratiot Middle SchoolApply
Softball Assistant Coach02/10/2025Non-CertifiedFort Gratiot Middle SchoolApply
Football Head Coach02/10/2025Non-CertifiedFort Gratiot Middle SchoolApply
Assistant Football Coach02/10/2025Non-CertifiedFort Gratiot Middle SchoolApply
Secretary II02/10/2025Non-CertifiedWoodrow Wilson Elementary SchoolApply
Media Paraeducator02/07/2025Non-CertifiedKeewahdin Elementary SchoolApply
JV Girls Softball Head Coach01/24/2025Non-CertifiedPort Huron Northern High SchoolApply
Family Engagement Liaison01/15/2025Non-CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Special Education Teacher, Prefer EI Endorsement, PHEA12/06/2024CertifiedPort Huron Northern High SchoolApply
Kitchen Assistant / Floater11/20/2024Non-CertifiedPort Huron Northern High SchoolApply
Future Openings for Elementary and SecondaryTeachers10/16/2024CertifiedTo Be DeterminedApply
School Social Worker10/10/2024CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
ECSE Teacher09/19/2024CertifiedEarly Childhood CenterApply
Speech and Language Pathologist - 100%08/26/2024CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Instructional Coach K-1208/12/2024CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Noon Hour Supervisor07/18/2024Non-CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Future Non Certified07/01/2024Non-CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
CI Special Education Teacher06/12/2024CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Resource Room Teacher05/29/2024CertifiedVarious BuildingsApply
Spanish05/29/2024CertifiedCENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOLApply